This is what I should ask you directly.
1. How many times have you thought and came across unhappiness, discomfort, boredom, irritation, jealous, self pity, negativity, failure and many more...
2. How many times have you thought and came across of Happiness, calm and controlled, busyness, love, affection, prides, positivity, success
There are things which certainly disturb you and sometimes so frequently that you make them habits unconsciously. Let me give you an example,
If you are not jealous with someone then you may be afraid of any types of failures in any field and when you do not have any noticeable failures as such, then you may be either dying of loneliness, boredom or getting irritated with no reasons. Human beings by virtue of their nature have a tendency to occupy their minds with some sorts of probable problems, which most of the times do not exist. These negative particles keep rotating around you and then you put them in your mind, because you wanted to...
Have you ever tried doing different things which may keep you happy from within, have you ever made an attempt to be in a state of zero gravity or emptiness, if not then i would advise you to start practicing it. When ever any negative thought comes to your mind, kill it at that moment only. This is no joke friends, i have tried it and so far feel succeeded.
You motto should be to have an one sided transition from negativity to positivity. Though these transitions are not smooth but they are worth trying.
Always ask questions to yourself.
what are my passions?
what can keep me happy?
What can keep me going?
What should I be doing to make myself happy?
What activity to pursue?
One thing which may help you finding answers can be given by Introspection of mind and emptiness of mind. Let me give some light on emptiness first. Emptiness is a state of mind with no thoughts. You are just in the moment and live it and it does not propagate any other emotions further. it is a still moment of your mind in your life. You may practice it sometimes to understand your actual self and it can only be done by giving yourself some space, when you sit quietly with no thoughts.
Search for these questions' answers, get answers (do not search for perfect answers) execute those whatever answers, work on them, keep working on them and make it a habit, if it becomes perfect answer.
One thing worth giving shot is:
kill negativity right away. Do it consciously. Count the killings in a day. Keep counting them for next some months. Check the status and do let me know.