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Showing posts from March, 2011

In a State of Being Happy

This is what I should ask you directly. 1. How many times have you thought and came across unhappiness, discomfort, boredom, irritation, jealous, self pity, negativity, failure and many more... 2. How many times have you thought and came across of Happiness, calm and controlled, busyness, love, affection, prides, positivity, success There are things which certainly disturb you and sometimes so frequently that you make them habits unconsciously. Let me give you an example, If you are not jealous with someone then you may be afraid of any types of failures in any field and when you do not have any noticeable failures as such, then you may be either dying of loneliness, boredom or getting irritated with no reasons. Human beings by virtue of their nature have a tendency to occupy their minds with some sorts of probable problems, which most of the times do not exist. These negative particles keep rotating around you and then you put them in your mind, because you wanted to... Have you ev...