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For My Sweetheart

A heart so beautiful, a heart so cheerful.
A heart which brings delight, a heart which ignites.
A heart which loves, a heart which feels, a heart which kneels.
A heart so childish, a heart with lots of wishes.
A heart so mighty, which holds mind tightly.
Big decisions coming from heart, a person never retards.
A heart makes friends, a heart removes pains.
A heart touches you, a heart becomes yours.
Heart loves heart, that’s for sure.
A heart so beautiful, a heart so cheerful.

A heart beat, a life
A heart beat, an eternity.........
A heart, a science
A heart, a conscience................
A heart, create differences
A heart, makes differences...............
A heart, sells for a pence.
A heart, just fragrance..................
A beautiful heart, a sweet heart.................


Unknown said…
A heart Really Sweet.......Really wonderful.....
Sandeep said…
Very good blog posted by you...on this blog...I remember some lines of ghazal by Jagjit singh...

"Gham mujhe, vehshat mujhe, chahat mujhe, nafrat mujhe...ek dil de kar khuda ne de diya kya kya mujhe...!!!"

means we have only one heart and it handles so many things.

Overall...your blog was expressive.Good Job !

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