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Attack in Mumbai

Recent terrorist attacks in India are so miserable and heinous, that it put me in great confusion, annoyance and anger cosidering the phase country is going through.
Recent attack in Mumbai, Financial Hub of our country has made the point very strong that these terrorists are no more a human beings.
I do not know what it would have felt to those who were victims of this accident and those who lost their beloved.
I sincerely feel sorry for those who lost their lives in this horrible attack and hope early recovery of those who suffered from injuries.


Vishnu said…
I too agree dear harsh.
" I think religion teaches man to love Human and make the relationship stronger with the love of God "

If these terror are doing in the name of God,then they never realised God or love of God or there belief is not complete
thanks harsh to have such wonderful post
Harsh Barua said…
Thanks vishnu.. for your feedbackm
Dexter said…
This is very unfortunate to have such kind of incident in our country. But we need to understand that this kind of intelligence fallers are going to happen in future too. So be prepared to get under this kind of pressure from these butchers. But the people who are in the govt have to give the answer for their sleepy attitude about all this mess. Due to this kind of attitude towards these terrorist they dare to do this.
Leader on the top should take responsablity of this and should appolizy .
Sandeep said…
I hundred percent agree with Mr. Harsh
Terrorism has no religion. Persons from country who are helping these terrorists are equivalently accused.The human blood can't be cheaper in this way.Common man of INDIA is not able to think beyond his Roti-kapda-Makaan so the black consipiracy of politics in which he is being used just as a vote is far beyond his understanding.slowly - slowly We,Our Govt. & Our Security agencies are getting habitual to these bomb blasts.I don't know why?Think, that how bad the family of any Shaheeds would feel after losing their Son or Father or Brother in these bomb blasts or counter attacks, when they see the cases of these bomb blasts are being delayed in courts & Ministers are just not walking on the talking.We have to find the solution as soon as possible otherwise we will gonna give an unsafe INDIA to next generation.Homage to all who died in bomb blasts!
Unknown said…
9/11 attack on mumbai is the biggest ever attack in Indian History. The way our brave commandos win this battle on its new kind of battle in the heart of city is amazing one.
This is the slap on those sleeping agency of Indian intelligence who never woke up except to do the digging post incident.

Caught several proves for interrogation..but none was punished though these terrorist never thought before taking away other lifes..we keep on showing them our we are saying to them for us ..they are atidhi and we will keep you like this till the demands comes up from your friends killing some more hostages..let see the fate of the captured terrorist in fresh incidence.

In the Political gallery we have very nice and polite leaders who never take these event seriously examples.

1. Deputy CM Maharastra saying..aisi choti choti baatein baade baade sehroon mein hoti rehti hain" woke up Mr. these not the reel scene..its the reality that we lost 195 precious life in this incident.
2. Shivraj Patil resigns taking the responsibility for this incidence. Resignation comes when several mothers lost their sons. childrens lost their parents..and thats not in one part..its all over India..from north to south east to west..Banglore,Jaipur,Ahmedabad, Delhi, Agartala.

And now he is resigning..whom to punish for this failure..they never thought that another failure means another chance for these mindless terrorist to act.

At the end I would like to say..if we won't wake up now and react we can never win this battle.
Unknown said…
This is a brutal event of mankind. People of mumbai are leaving in terror. Their mind is conscious while traveling in local and bus and in malls and also while walking on foot path. People of mumbai are not safe.
Dreamz said…
"I guess its time about to end up this game called "world being played on earth" and bid adieu to this materialistic environment, the world should come to an end now"
we need an alien like in The earth stand still to change ppl.... i believe this is d last ption... so pls go and watch dis movie.....

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